How do election 2015 party manifestos measure up to a Plan F?

Date Posted: Wednesday 29th April 2015

A briefing (November, 2016)

BudgetCampaignElectionGender Budgeting


You can read and download the full briefing note here.

At the time of the budget in March, the Women’s Budget Group and the Scottish Women’s Budget Group launched Plan F – a feminist economic strategy for a caring and sustainable economy that would benefit the majority of people and reverse the damage caused by austerity. The Plan sets out the policies required to achieve such a caring and sustainable economy and how those policies can be funded.

To implement Plan F, the government would need to develop a very different approach to the economy, and the imminent election provides the opportunity to make such a shift. Now that all the main parties have published their election manifestos, we can try to  determine how far their promises match up to the proposals set out in Plan F.

WBG members with relevant expertise have examined the manifestos of six main parties – Labour, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Greens, SNP and UKIP – and extracted from their pages those elements that relate to the policies in Plan F. These are described below in a straightforward way, identifying which party/parties offer the best chance of working towards the goals of Plan F.

You can read and download the full briefing note here.