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Useful resources for carrying out GRB

Introductory resources

Oxfam, working with WBG, have produced a series of gender responsive budgeting resources

Gender Budgeting WBG presentation – a 12 slide powerpoint presentation that gives an over-view of GRB

Training manuals and toolkits

Elson, D. 2006.  ‘Budgeting for Women’s Rights: Monitoring Government Budgets for Compliance with CEDAW’, United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), New York

Quinn, S. 2009, ‘Gender Budgeting: Practical Implementation’, Handbook, Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs, Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Gender Responsive Budgeting In Practice: A training manual, UN Women, 2010

Gender Budgets Make More Cents: Country Studies and Good Practice by Debbie Budlender & Guy Hewitt, Commonwealth Secretariat, 2002

Gender Budgets Make Cents: Understanding Gender Responsive Budgets by Debbie Budlender, Diane Elson, Guy Hewitt & Tanni Mukhopadhyay, Commonwealth Secretariat, 2001

D., Sharp, R. and Allen, K., 1998, How to Do a Gender-sensitive Budget Analysis: contemporary research and practice, Canberra: Australian Agency for International Development and London: Commonwealth Secretariat

Elson, D, 1999, Gender Budget Initiative Tools, London: Commonwealth Secretariat

Sector specific GRB tools

Gender Responsive Budgeting and Women’s Reproductive Rights – a resource pack (UN Women)

Taxing men and women: why gender is crucial for a fair tax system, Christian Aid, 2014

Other resources

Guides to GRB

Bridge, Gender and Budgets Cutting Edge Pack (2010)

IMF papers on GRB

Stotsky, Janet, Shibuya, S., Kolovich, L., and Kebhaj, S., 2016, “Trends in Gender Equality and Women’s Advancement.,” IMF Working Paper 16/21.

Stotsky, Janet G., 2016, “Gender Budgeting: Fiscal Context and Current Outcomes.,” IMF Working Paper 16/149.

Chakraborty, Lekha, 2016, “Asia: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts,” IMF Working Paper 16/150.

Christie, Tamoya A. L., and Thakur, D., 2016, “Caribbean and Pacific Islands: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts,” IMF Working Paper 16/154.

Kolovich, Lisa and Shibuya, S., “Middle East and Central Asia: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts,” IMF Working Paper 16/151.

Pérez Fragoso, Lucia, and Rodríguez Enríquez, C., 2016, “Western Hemisphere: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts,” IMF Working Paper 16/153.

Quinn, Sheila, 2016, “Europe: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts,” IMF Working Paper 16/155.

Stotsky, Janet G., Kolovich, L., and Kebhaj, S. , 2016, “Sub-Saharan Africa: A Survey of Gender Budgeting Efforts,” IMF Working Paper 16/152.

Kazandjian, Romina, Kolovich, L., Kochhar, K., and Newiak, M., 2016, “Gender Equality and Economic Diversification,” IMF Working Paper 16/140

ILO. (undated). Overview of Gender-responsive budget initiatives: A discussion paper for ILO staff on the relevance of gender-responsive budget initiatives in promoting gender equality in decent work country programmes. Bureau for Gender Equality.


Online guidance and case studies about how to integrate public participation into fiscal policy and the associated benefits. Includes detailed case studies of participatory budgeting processes, including context, lessons learned, and outcomes

Research reports

Roisin Hinds, 2014, Increasing financial investment in women and girls through gender responsive budgeting, GSDRC, available on line at:

Budlender, D. 2005. Expectations versus Realities in Gender-Responsive Budget Initiatives, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Geneva

Combaz, E. (2013). Positive Impact of Gender-Responsive Budgeting (GSDRC Helpdesk Research Report 977). Birmingham, UK: GSDRC, University of Birmingham.


O’Hagan, A and Klatzer E, 2018, Gender Budgeting in Europe Developments and Challenges, Palgrave Macmillan

Papers and chapters

Elson, D. (2016). GENDER BUDGETING AND MACROECONOMIC POLICY in J Campbell & M Gillespie (eds), Feminist Economics and Public Policy: Reflections on the work and impact of Ailsa McKay. Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics, Routledge, Feminist Economics and Public Policy, pp. 27 – 37.​

Himmelweit, S. (2005) ‘Making Policy Makers More Gender Aware’ Women, Politics and Policy, 27(1/2):109-121

O’Hagan, A. 2016. ‘Challenging the norms: gender budgeting as feminist policy change’. in J Campbell & M Gillespie (eds), Feminist Economics and Public Policy: Reflections on the work and impact of Ailsa McKay. Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics, Routledge, pp. 41-49.

O’Hagan, A., and Gillespie, M.  ‘Gender budgeting in Scotland: seeking transformative change through public spending’.  in J Campbell & M Gillespie (eds), Feminist Economics and Public Policy Reflections on the work and impact of Ailsa McKay. Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics, Routledge/Taylor & Francis, Oxford, pp. 50-58.

Austen, S., Costa, M., Sharp, R. & Elson, D. (2013). ‘Expenditure incidence analysis: a gender-responsive budgeting tool for educational expenditure in Timor-Leste?’.  Feminist Economics. 19/4: 1-24. DOI: 10.1080/13545701.2013.830187

Budlender, D., 2002, ‘Gender Budgets: What’s in it for NGOs?’, Gender and Development, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 82-87