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Media Round-up: November 2018

Media Round-up: November 2018

November saw WBG comment and be mentioned on a variety of issues effecting women including Housing, Violence Against Women and Girls, Women in Politics and the UK Debt Crisis. The coverage reflects the wide ranging issues our organisation works to highlight through our reports, policy and campaign work


24 Housing, Why it’s important to talk about gender budgeting 
Mark Lawrence, 1st November 2018

The UK Women’s Budget Group has released a briefing showing how changes in housing policy since 2010 have impacted gender. The briefing states that while housing can be a force for good, it can also “contribute to poverty, disadvantage and poor health”. The  key findings show that women’s housing situations differ from that of men, with it being “generally less good”.


Jubilee Debt, Jubilee Debt Campaign: We can end the Great British Debt Trap
Mary-Ann Stephenson, 1st November 2018

Our Director Mary- Ann Stephenson discusses the connection between austerity, welfare cuts and the growing debt trap.


The Guardian, 63% of gains from the income tax giveaway in budget will go to men
Julia Kollewe, 1st November 2018

The chair of the Women’s Budget Group has criticised the Treasury for not publishing a comprehensive analysis of the gender equality impact of the budget, arguing that men would benefit far more from the income tax giveaway.


Rights Info, Amber Rudd Admits To ‘Problems With Universal Credit’ As She Returns To Frontline Politics
Adam Bloodworth, 20 November 2018

The Women’s Budget Group argues that the change reinforces the idea of a male breadwinner, discourages second earners and is likely to increase women’s financial dependence on their partners.


The Guardian, Open Letter, 100 years on, female MPs are still too few
21 November 2018

Mary- Ann Stephenson, Director of Women’s Budget Group and 19 others highlight how women continue to be desperately under-represented in politics.

‘Part of the problem is that we still do not know how many women are being put forward for election by parties’.


Politics Home, We need more money to tackle violence against women and girls
Baroness Thornton, 21 November 2018

Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) has multiple and lasting impacts on victims as well as society. It is estimated that 4.3 million women suffer domestic violence over their lifetime, 1.2 million women suffer domestic violence each year and 3.4 million women are victims of sexual violence over their lifetime. It is to be welcomed that the Government’s VAWG strategy recognises the scale of the problem but is not backed with sufficient funding for either victims’ services or preventive interventions to reduce the incidence of VAWG in the longer term. Women’s Budget Group point out, the level of funding for VAWG services should be determined by the level of need rather than by the level of (unfair) tampon tax receipts.


Public Finance,The crisis in public services has hit women hardest, Mary-Ann Stephenson, 28 November 2018

It’s a political choice that a fifth of our population live in poverty, says Mary-Ann Stephenson, director of the Women’s Budget Group. It is time for the government to acknowledge its mistakes and take action to help women in particular.

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