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About us

We put feminism into economics and economics into feminism.

The UK Women’s Budget Group is the UK’s leading feminist economics think tank

We are the only UK-wide think tank focused on exploring the economy through a gendered lens and we are the leading feminist organisation dedicated to the economy. 

We are a research, advocacy and training organisation advancing gender equality in policymaking through feminist approaches to economics. Working nationally and internationally, we build and exchange the evidence, data, knowledge, capacity and will for change.

We occupy a unique position, acting as a link between feminist academics, the women’s voluntary sector and think tanks and policymakers. We draw on a network of pro-bono experts from academia, the new economics and the women’s movements, alongside a professional staff team, who are all essential to our work. We work in partnership with our sister organisations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Spirals of Inequality: How unpaid care is at the heart of gender equality

This short clip, made as part of our seminal project: Commission on a Gender Equal Economy, explains the urgent need for alternative policies that can help create a caring economy.

A day in the life of a woman in the Green and Caring Economy

This short video, made as part of our Feminist Green New Deal project in partnership with WEN (Women’s Environment Network), shows what life could be like if the policies developed through the project were adopted.

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