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Our strategy

WBG’s five-year strategy for 2023 – 2028


Our vision is of a gender-equal society.

Our mission is to advance gender equality in policymaking through feminist approaches to economics.

In the long term, we want to see:

  • Women enjoying substantive equality and economic independence, and economic, social and policy structures that allow everyone to lead prosperous, healthy and safe lives.
  • Care work recognised as an essential part of life and the economy. It is provided to a high standard to all those who need it, redistributed between families and society fairly, and between women and men equally.
  • A green and caring economy that has wellbeing as its key goal.
  • A solid commitment by the UK government to fund these economic changes through  progressive taxation and borrowing levels based on need, rather than arbitrary fiscal rules.
  • Government bodies in the UK and abroad adopting gender responsive budgeting (GRB) and other feminist policymaking tools.
  • A growing number of diverse feminist organisations, in the UK and abroad, regularly participating in economic debates and policymaking
  • Mainstream economic think tanks, policymakers and media outlets adopting feminist approaches.

In the short to medium term, we want to see:

  • A gender-sensitive just and green transition, recognising  care sectors as key to achieving the wellbeing and sustainability of planet and people.
  • A move to early years & childcare and adult social care systems that are free / affordable, high quality, universal and comprehensive.
  • A workable system of maternity, paternity, and parental leave in the UK that encourages parents to share care.
  • Plans to revise the UK social security system according to feminist principles.
  • A growing number of diverse feminist organisations, in the UK and abroad, regularly participating in economic debates and policymaking.
  • Mainstream economic think tanks adopting feminist approaches.
  • A growing number of public bodies in England and in partner countries developing gender-inclusive processes and using feminist tools in policymaking.

Our full strategy sets out our short and long term aims under the four pillars of our work:

Read the full strategy documents


WBG’s Strategy

Find the documents for WBG’s five-year strategy for 2023 – 2028

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