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Latest data on Covid- 19: 19th May 2020

Latest data on Covid-19, including on new claims to Universal Credit, support for workers, and Covid related deaths.

Figures on support for workers (HM Treasury):

  • 8 million jobs have now been furloughed with £11.1 billion claimed so far through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS)
  • 2 million Self-employment Income Support (SEISS) claims have been submitted worth £6.1 billion

Figures on new claims to Universal Credit (DWP):

  • Since the start of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, there has been unprecedented levels of demand for Universal Credit.
  • Since the beginning of lockdown 2,619,000 individuals have claimed Universal Credit (16 March – 12 May).
  • Numbers are still higher than normal business but are now beginning to fall.

Figures on Covid-19 related deaths (ONS):

  • 37,375 Covid-19 related deaths by 8 May (England and Wales)
  • 9,975 Covid-19 related deaths in care homes by 8 May (England and Wales)
  • The Care Quality Commission (CQC) numbers show 9,762 deaths involving Covid-19 in care homes in England in just over a month (notified between 10 April and 15 May)

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