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Media Round-Up: April 2020

Media Round-Up: April 2020

“Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson, director of the Women’s Budget Group, which scrutinises government policy from a gender perspective, said: “We’d known that workers on the frontline at most risk of Covid 19 were often badly paid and mainly women, but these figures are still a shock.

“It can’t be right that many of those at the sharp end, providing services under pressure and at high risk of getting sick themselves, are earning so little. Many will not even qualify for sick pay,” she said.

“The government should take action to properly value the essential work they carry out”.”

“The Women’s Budget Group has a neat package of recommendations, including extending furlough schemes for part-time workers, increasing sick pay as well as the carers allowance (currently a paltry £1.89 per hour), increasing child benefit to £50 a week (a maximum of £35 per week currently), scrap the heinous two-child limit (where women have to prove they’ve been raped or abused to get money for a third child), and channel the tampon tax to prevent domestic violence.”

Other Coverage:

“Female workers will be some of hardest hit economically by Covid-19, a report published by the Women’s Budget Group (WBG) has found, a pressing reminder of why we need an urgent overhaul of women’s pay, protection and value in the workforce”

“It’s women who are more likely to be made redundant (as Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson of the Women’s Budget Group told the Independent in March); women, particularly those who are BAME or disabled, who are more at risk of poverty; women who are more likely to be self-employed; women, mostly, who are at increased risk from domestic violence. The strikes against us in this crisis go on and on. Which is what makes it all the more galling to see a resurgence in the deeply retro “can women have it all?” narrative.”

“But how exactly is the coronavirus affecting women’s safety and access to equality? And how should the government address the impact on women?

The crisis has led to an economic downturn, with even the most conservative estimates pointing towards a devastating rise in unemployment. According to analysis from the Women’s Budget Group, whose Commission on a Gender Equal Economy has identified pre-existing economic inequalities, the crisis will increase the economic challenges women already face.”

“The Women’s Budget Group is working to highlight that migrant women are not supported in Britain. In a report due to be published next week, it notes that these women are disproportionately represented in ‘key worker’ occupations, working in roles that put their own lives at risk to deliver crucial care.”

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