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Media Coverage

Media Round-Up: January 2024

Media Round-Up for January 2024

The undecided women voters who could determine the next general election result:

WBG’s Deputy Director, Zubaida Haque, spoke to the  Independent about polling that we conducted last year on women’s voting intentions, which found that a quarter of women voters were undecided about how to vote at the next general election. Read our full polling report  here.

Other Coverage:

  • Feminism and Money: WBG Director Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson explains the impact of unpaid care on economic equality on the latest episode of the Grabbing Back podcast.  Listen here.
  • WBG’s Head of Communications and Public Affairs Erin Mansell was on BBC Radio Somerset to discuss the Gender Pay Gap in the South West with Simon Parkin. She explained that at the heart of it lies the unequal distribution and undervaluation of care work and emphasized that to close the gap, we need better parental leave and investment in public services. Listen back here.
  • Our research on the gender wealth gap was featured in a  Times article highlighting women-led initiatives to bridge this gap. Men hold nearly three times as much wealth in shares than women and the private pension gap is a staggering 90%.
  • Our modelling for the  Early Education and Childcare Coalition revealing the need to attract 50,000 additional staff next year and the year after was featured by the Times.

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