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Parliament debates impact of austerity on women

9 December 2015: Topics covered in the debate, which lasted three hours, included the gender pay gap, benefit changes, and occupational segregation

In the pre-Christmas rush on 9 December, Parliament debated the impact of austerity measures on women. The Opposition Day debate was introduced by Kate Green, Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities. She called on the House to “note with concern the disproportionate impact of this Government’s policies on women”.

Topics covered in the debate, which lasted three hours, included the gender pay gap, benefit changes, and occupational segregation. Research by the Women’s Budget Group was cited a number of times in the debate. Kate Green quoted the original analysis carried out by WBG member Howard Reed which showed that female lone parents and female pensioners have seen the greatest fall in living standard as a result of austerity.

Read the full transcript of the parliamentary debate below:

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