3rd call for evidence: Public Services

Building on our initial two calls for evidence, we sought examples of innovative and transformative policies and practices relating to the provision and funding of public services. As the remit of the commission is to look at the how we might transform our economy in the long-term to deliver gender equality, we especially welcomed submissions that looked beyond the current set of problems to analyse and address the causal factors that drive gender inequality in the demand for and delivery of public services.

Because of the way society and the economy are currently structured, women rely on public services more than men. In addition, public services are more important as a source of employment for women than for men. As a result women are hit harder when public services are cut, or outsourced to private sector suppliers that offer worse terms and conditions for employees and lower quality services to users.

We were interested in hearing about public services at both the local and national level:  their current shortcomings, and strategies to improve them, including examples from other countries.  We were interested in the provision of care services (such as childcare, social care, and health care) and services related to violence against women, but also in other services that have an impact on gender equality, such as education and training, public transport, youth clubs, libraries, and police and justice services. This list is by no means exhaustive.

We heard about innovative and transformative policies and practices in both the delivery of public services and ways of funding them.

We welcomed submissions from communities and grassroots women’s groups and organisations, as well as from think tanks, trade unions, academics, civil society organisations, business, and the public sector at all levels. We were keen to gather examples from a variety of levels – local, regional, national, and international.

You can view the written submissions by clicking the links below.


Fawcett Society


Lifting Limits


Liverpool City Industrial Strategy


Lucie Stephens for New Economics Foundation


One Parent Families Scotland


Participatory Budgeting Network


Prof. Su Maddock


Social Market Foundation


Women in Prison