Call for evidence: Taxation

At the start of 2019, the Women’s Budget Group launched its Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy, a first-of-its-kind Commission developing a vision of a gender-equal economy, with an accompanying suite of policy recommendations to make gender equality in the UK economy a reality.

Read more about the Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy.

Building on a series of calls for evidence on different policy areas, we are now seeking proposals for reform of the current taxation system in the UK.

We are seeking responses to the following questions:

  1. How should the taxation system be reformed? (This can be overall, or focusing on a particular element or policy)
  2. What would the impact on gender equality be?

Submissions may cover:

  • examples of taxation reforms that are already in place, or that are being proposed as alternatives
  • examples of taxation reforms which are intended to reduce gender inequality, or those which have other primary objectives, but which have had (or could have) a positive impact on gender equality.

Examples of policies might include a change to the personal tax-free allowance, the introduction of a wealth tax, or a change to the way local authorities are able to raise taxes in their own constituencies.

We welcome submissions from communities and grassroots women’s groups and organisations, as well as from local authorities, think tanks, trade unions, academics, civil society organisations, business, and the public sector at all levels. We are keen to gather examples from a variety of levels – local, regional, national, and international, and are particularly keen to learn from experiences across the devolved nations of the UK. We also particularly welcome submissions which engage with the causal factors that drive gender inequality in the payment of, or exemption from, certain taxes.

We welcome evidence in a range of formats. Written submissions should be no more than 3,000 words in total, and can be accompanied by supporting documents, web links or videos.

We are also issuing a separate call for evidence on proposals for reforms to the social security system across the UK. If you would like to make a submission to this call as well, or indeed make a submission which responds to both issues, please do so.

Both calls for evidence are open until 20 January 2020. Please send evidence to, or you can send hard copy evidence to:

Commission on a Gender-Equal Economy
The Women’s Budget Group
LB of Lambeth
PO Box 734
SO23 5DG

Please ensure you give us your name, organisation (if relevant) and contact details, indicating if you would like us to treat your evidence anonymously.