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Getting to Grips with the Gender Pay Gap: LDP Briefing Series

Briefing Series Training Programme: To complement our national briefing on the topic, we are pleased to demystify the data on the gender pay gap.

Getting to Grips with the Gender Pay Gap

To complement our national briefing on the topic, we are pleased to demystify the data on the gender pay gap.

What you’ll gain from the session:

  • An understanding of what contributes to the gender pay gap
  • An introduction to the data used to calculate the gender pay gap

The session will be interactive, and we’ll have time to meet people from other organisations working on improving women’s equality in their local area of the UK. Note: because the data is from the UK, we will prioritise participants from the UK.


About the workshop

Your trainer will demonstrate how to find data on the gender pay gap. This will be followed by working out the gender earnings gap. Don’t worry – the difference will be explained!

The trainer will use screen sharing to demonstrate how to find the information. This will be followed by a practical session where you can start using the data to find out what the situation is in your local area. You will need to have access to Excel or a compatible spreadsheet reader.

Emily will provide a demonstration of the data sources, showing how the datasets work. She will then show you how to calculate the gender earnings gap. You will adapt this to calculate the earnings gap in your local area. Some knowledge of how to read a spreadsheet is required for this session. The trainers will be there to offer support throughout.

No previous knowledge of data, maths or statistics is required.

Places are limited to allow full participation. Due to popular demand, we will be allocating places on an application basis. Priority will be given to those involved in their local community. We also ask that a maximum of two people from the same organisation apply to join.

Acceptance onto the workshop will be confirmed by email by 22nd November.

We welcome attendees from across the UK. Participants joining from Northern Ireland will use some data sets from a different source to participants joining from Great Britain.

Accessibility Information

The session runs for 2hrs with a short comfort break.

The session will be hosted on Zoom. Closed captions will be enabled through the Zoom platform. You can turn these off by clicking on the CC button in the menu bar.

Some of the time will be spent in the main room with all attendees (about 25) and some of the time will be spent in small Zoom break out groups (about 3 – 5 people).

It can help the others in your break out room if you can have a camera on, but you can also attend without. We understand that there are many reasons not to switch your camera on. We also recognise that many participants are juggling caring responsibilities at present, and you are welcome to adapt as you need!

The session may use the Zoom polling and chat functions. You can attend the session without using these, but it may reduce your ability to participate fully. There will be someone monitoring the Zoom chat function if you have any questions or problems during the session.

The session may also use Google Documents. You will need a Google account to access this. You can attend without having access to this, but it will reduce your ability to participate.

Notes will be circulated afterwards, and we welcome any formatting requests. The session will not be recorded.

Participants will need to join from a laptop or PC to participate in the hands on exercises.

Let us know if you have any accessibility requirements and we will do our best to accommodate. We are happy to arrange tailored sessions too.

Please feel free to get in touch for any further information.

About the trainers

Emily Bell, Local training & partnership coordinator, will be leading the sessions. Emily has lots of experience of training online, and is a newly converted data enthusiast. She is a firm believer in independent learning, so be prepared to get hands-on.

Hana Abid, Research & policy officer, will also be on hand to guide participants. Hana is a big fan of participatory approaches and she has been on a journey to get to grips with data!


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