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What will Brexit mean for Women?

The Women’s Budget Group invite members with interest in exploring the impact of Brexit on women’s rights to attend our policy discussion.

In partnership with the LSE’s Gender Institute, the Women’s Budget Group is hosting a special members’ event on what Brexit will mean for women. The Women’s Budget Group are beginning work to explore the impact of Brexit on women’s rights, and we invite members with interest in this arena to attend our policy discussion on Tuesday 9th May. 

This will not be an event with speakers but an opportunity for members to feed in their research and knowledge to the ongoing policy work of the Women’s Budget Group. This discussion on Brexit will help shape our strategic direction in the run up to the election on 8th June.

Date: Tuesday 9th May 2017
Location: LSE Old Building – OLD.3.28
Time: 11:00 – 13:00

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