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Women’s Budget Group AGM 2021

Come along to our AGM to find out more about the work we’ve been doing over the past year and our plans for the year ahead.

It has been an exciting year for the Women’s Budget Group, and we have even more planned for the future. Come along to our AGM to find out more about the work we’ve been doing over the past year and our plans for the year ahead.

Our AGM will be held in the Conference Hall at Resource for London (4:00 – 7:30pm).

This is a hybrid event, where attendees will have the opportunity to join in-person or remotely via Zoom (you can indicate your preference when registering on Eventbrite and we will send further details accordingly).


4:00 – 4:30pm – Arrival

4:30 – 5:30pm – AGM Business Meeting

  1. Minutes of 2020 AGM
  2. Chair’s report
  3. Treasurer’s report
  4. Approval of Annual Report and Accounts
  5. Looking Forward – developments and strategy (Director)
  6. Any other business

5:30 – 6:00pm – Break and Refreshments

6:00pm – 7:30pm – Panel on Gender Responsive Budgeting Through an International and Local Lens

Further details TBC.

We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible.

The venue is wheelchair accessible. We are committed to making our events inclusive and accessible, and if you require any further arrangements please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at


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