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General Election 2024

This page is dedicated to all our content related to the General Election 2024, including a new series of briefings across a range of topics.

This page is dedicated to all our content related to the General Election 2024. This includes responses to election announcements, key briefings and relevant reports. Scroll down for press releases, policy analysis, and recommendations for a future Government.

You can also follow us on social media where we will be posting more frequently with immediate responses on the election.

WBG Background Briefing - General Election 2024

This briefing provides key statistics and information on women's economic inequality along with suggested questions for parliamentary candidates. We may update this briefing periodically, if you have suggested additions please get in touch with us at

WBG Background Briefing – General Election 2024

Briefings for a new government

Find our analysis of key policy topics and policy areas along with our recommendations.

Press releases and open letters

Open Letter

#SheVotes open letter

Joint letter with a coalition of women's organisations demanding that women and girls are put at the heart of the General Election


Blog Post

Why do fiscal rules matter?

Feminist economist Professor Susan Himmelweit explains fiscal rules and why they matter for women in particular