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UK Policy Briefing

Revitalising Local Communities

Feminist Green New Deal Policy Paper

Maeve Cohen

UK Feminist Green New Deal Policy Papers

This paper proposes placing the meeting of needs at the centre of all economic, social and political activity in order to revitalise communities in a way that enables a low-carbon, gender equal future. It explores how the fundamental needs of nutrition, shelter, social participation, health, physical and income security, can be met in a way that is consistent with green and feminist aims.

Revitalising communities in a way that enables a low-carbon, gender equal future requires reimagining how our physical, political and economic systems operate. The localities in which human life takes place have a huge impact on our relationships with both the natural world and each other. Social movements, community groups and local politicians in places such as Preston, Barcelona and Jackson, Mississippi are experimenting with innovative new methods of inclusive and sustainable local planning in reaction to the exclusive and extractive status- quo.

This paper will take inspiration from this growing body of knowledge to examine how we can transform our local communities in ways that support the flourishing of women and marginalised groups and enable everyone to live fulfilling lives sustainably.

Read the full policy paper here.

You can watch a recording of the report launch here:

About the Feminist Green New Deal project

The Feminist Green New Deal is bringing a gendered and intersectional approach/perspective to the Green economy/Green Recovery – ensuring that the voices of women, people of colour and other marginalised groups are heard during environmental and political debates.

Through a programme of nationwide grassroots workshops and policy roundtables a Feminist Green New Deal Manifesto will be created and launched in 2022.

This Project is a collaboration between Wen (Women’s Environmental Network) and the Women’s Budget Group (WBG).

Learn more about the project here.

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