Labour Market Changes for a Green and Caring Economy

Date Posted: Monday 23rd May 2022

Climate ChangeEmploymentenvironmentFeminist Green New DealGreen Caring EconomyGreen New DealSustainability
UK Feminist Green New Deal Policy Papers
Labour Market Changes for a Green, Caring Economy

Read the full policy paper here.

Our vision for a green and caring economy calls for an economy and society based around principles of wellbeing and care. This will be crucial for addressing two of the biggest challenges facing us today, the climate and care crises. The end goal is a society in which environmental justice is realised alongside social justice, ensuring the transition to and the maintenance of a sustainable economy is just, fair and equal, with no one left behind. One central aspect of transitioning to a green and caring economy will be greening the labour market. Beyond greening high-polluting sectors, this will require a full transformation of all jobs to become green.

Changes to the labour market are likely to have gendered impacts because women and men are concentrated in different sectors in the economy and have different patterns of employment. Solutions must therefore take these differences into account so that a green economy is also a more gender-equal one. Alongside sectoral changes, employment changes to promote equality, fairness, diversity and wellbeing, this paper makes recommendations on working conditions and employment culture, reskilling and diversity, and behavioural changes.

Read the full policy paper here.

About the Feminist Green New Deal project

The Feminist Green New Deal is bringing a gendered and intersectional approach/perspective to the Green economy/Green Recovery – ensuring that the voices of women, people of colour and other marginalised groups are heard during environmental and political debates.

Through a programme of nationwide grassroots workshops and policy roundtables a Feminist Green New Deal Manifesto will be created and launched at COP26 Glasgow Climate Talks.

This Project is a collaboration between Wen (Women’s Environmental Network) and the Women’s Budget Group (WBG).

Learn more about the project here.